What exactly is Casein protein?
Casein Protein is the main type of Protein found in Milk. It makes up 80% of the Milk’s Protein with Whey making up the remaining 20%.
Casein and Whey play different but very important and complementary roles in Protein Synthesis and in allowing our muscles to recover and grow. While Whey Protein is a fast-digesting Protein, meaning it is absorbed into our bloodstream quickly resulting in a large increase in plasma Amino Acids and a temporary spike in Protein Synthesis, Casein Protein is a much slower digesting Protein that is slowly released into our bloodstream for a slow but steady supply of Amino Acids over an extended period of time.
Casein does not dissolve easily and forms a gelatinous material when mixed with water or Milk. Because of this, Casein is our recommended choice of Protein at bedtime when our bodies begin a 6 to 8 hour fasting period (while we sleep) or during those busy days when we are expecting to go an extended period between meals.
John’s Killer Protein – Nighttime Blend is a perfect blend of Milk Protein formulated to leave the Protein chains in their native state at 80% Casein and 20% Whey.
This premium product is the ideal combination of fast absorbing Whey Protein (for a boost of plasma Amino Acids, spiking Protein Synthesis after a grueling workout) and a slow and steady source of lean muscle sustaining Amino Acids from the slow-digesting Casein.