Quality | Transparency | Beyond The Label
You’re probably on this page because you’ve read recent reports about heavy metals found in supplements, specifically protein powders. You may have even heard your favorite podcaster talk about heavy metals in food, seen posts by TikTok® famous personalities, Social Media Influencers or online Detox Experts about the health risks of consuming these supplements and the heavy metals they contain.
We published this page to address your concerns and share with you what we, at John’s Killer Protein® are doing to make sure we continue to provide you the highest quality, purest, cleanest protein available today.
First, we’d like to be clear that we genuinely dislike fear mongering. We believe in complete transparency and disclosure – well beyond the limited information you see on social media, hear on podcasts, and even what the FDA requires on product labels. We believe information should be complete, accurate, made easily accessible and simple to share; especially information around heavy metals and other contaminants that affect the food we eat, and in turn, our health.
Heavy metals are found in a long list of common food items like leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and many fruits. These food items are noted for their ability to extract nutrients from the soil. Root systems absorb impressive amounts of beneficial minerals from the soil—like iron, magnesium, manganese and copper—and store them in the developing seeds, fruit, vegetables or beans that we eat. When you enjoy these foods, you consume these valuable nutrients.
However, heavy metals like lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury are also found in the soil. While we tend to associate these metals with human pollution, that’s not always the case; these metals are geological substances that occur naturally around the globe. Plants, fruits, vegetables and beans do not require them for growth and development so their uptake is minimal, when compared to other minerals. However, these heavy metals are still present, albeit at trace levels, naturally.
“The levels of heavy metals found in such foods varies based on the growing region, soil quality, environmental conditions of each growing season, and more.”
Now that you know Heavy Metals, in trace amounts, are naturally present in our food supply, you’re probably wondering how much is considered safe and at what consumption levels are Heavy Metals considered unhealthy.
At John’s Killer Protein®, we established our internal quality control guidelines based on California’s established Maximum Allowable Dose Levels (MADLs) and No Significant Risk Levels (NSRLs) under California’s Proposition 65 law. We did this because it is widely acknowledged that California’s Proposition 65 Law is the strictest interpretation of MADLs and NSRLs.
Under Proposition 65, the following levels are considered safe with no significant risk level expected:
Heavy Metal | Maximum Allowable Levels |
Lead | 0.5 micrograms per day |
Cadmium | 4.1 micrograms per day |
Mercury | 0.3 micrograms per day |
Arsenic | 10 micrograms per day |
To see the complete list of Proposition 65 No Significant Risk Levels (NSRLs) and Maximum Allowable Dose Levels (MADLs), click Here.
“The healthy body is adept at removing these metals through a complex and highly evolved detoxification system that sorts, tags, and eliminates heavy metals through our body’s waste pathways. We can support these processes by eating a diet rich in micronutrients and fiber, and by maintaining an active lifestyle.”
If you have specific questions about how heavy metals might interact with your personal health state, we recommend discussing them with your health practitioner. And if you have any further questions about any of our products, please reach out to us Here.
All of our products are tested for heavy metals using third party, independent labs. We monitor these levels carefully, by batch and lot number, to ensure compliance with our strict quality control standards. Our latest reports for each of our products are published below.
It amazes us that even today, with how connected we all are, we often fall short on finding, researching, reading and sharing important and accurate information. We decided to publish this page because we came across articles by Consumer Reports and The Clean Label Project that talked about Arsenic, Lead and other harmful Heavy Metals and Carcinogenic found in mass-market Protein Brands – you know the brands that appeared out of nowhere and are all over your social media feeds, and the ones you can easily find at COSTCO, your local Big Box stores or a supplements retail store!
Reporting on heavy metals in food isn’t new… actually, you can read a Consumer Report article that dates back to 2018 Here. Although we aren’t overly surprised, the article was eye opening because in its report, Consumer Reports ranked some of the largest and most established protein brands as the worst! with vegan and plant-based protein brands – brands that consumers would intuitively associate as “healthy options” – ranking as the most dangerous to your health.
Furthermore, it was noted that protein powders with added flavors, emulsifiers, artificial sweeteners and other additives and gumming agents inherently contained a higher level of heavy metals.
“John’s Killer Protein® is free from added flavor compounds, contains zero added sugars or sweeteners, lecithins, seed oils or any other additive that would inherently increase the levels of heavy metals.”
Before we go any further, we want to say that this post isn’t about Vegan vs. Whey protein, it’s about what information Protein brands readily share with their customers, and what information is kept secret or made extremely difficult to access. We believe Protein brands should be responsible and share accurate and complete information with their customers and we will further explain below. The Consumer Reports article and the reporting by the Clean Label Project assigned each product a score for four individual elements: heavy metals, pesticides, contaminants like BPA, and nutrition. Then it calculated an overall score. The heavy metal levels accounted for 60 percent of the overall score because their effects have been shown in studies to pose greater harm to health.
This got us thinking about the types of information relevant to all of us but are never published or discussed by the protein brands, or at the very best, made extremely hard, if not impossible to find!
You see, the food we eat is made up of a lot more than the limited data points on the package’s Nutrition Panel labels – that nice rectangular black and white table you see on every package. As consumers, we’re used to focusing on just that nutrition information – Calories, Fats, Protein, Carbs and just the information we find on the label’s Nutrition Panel. Some consumers are better and read the actual Ingredients. But that’s still only half the picture! Protein brands we eat also contain micros, compounds and other elements that are never disclosed on labels or made easily available to access or share. This is dangerous because these Protein brands produced for mass markets and for maximum profits are often tainted with pesticide, carcinogenic compounds, heavy metals, microbes, bacteria and other harmful contaminants. We all deserve full and transparent disclosures, we all deserve not only accurate limited information, but accurate complete information about the Protein brands we choose to eat.
We have made a conscious decision to share with you information that goes Beyond The Label. We do this because we believe that if you trust our brand enough to purchase and use our Protein blends, you deserve this level of transparency. You deserve accurate, reliable and complete information.
Below, you will find our latest 3rd Party Laboratory Tests that we do on every product and for every batch we manufacture. The FDA does not require Protein brands to share this level of information, but we believe we should!
“We are proud that the entire line of John’s Killer Protein® products tests with practically non-existent levels of Lead, Mercury, Heavy Metals, or other carcinogenic and contaminants. Our raw ingredients and our finished John’s Killer Protein® Blends contain practically zero pesticides or BPA contamination or leaching.”
We achieve this level of Protein purity because our origins matter! We are proud of the extra efforts we take when sourcing our ingredients. We are proud of the level of quality all of us and all of our trusted vendor partners adhere to. We do not make the cheapest protein blends for maximum financial profits. We choose to put our own integrity and quality first. We do not source cheap ingredients from China, the Far East or from countries with shady or incomplete product quality documentation – simply because we found those environments to be less than ideal (although they would be a lot more profitable for a brand) – Learn more about our origins, and The JKP Difference Here. We source from a co-op of farms that have adopted and maintained old world farming practices that exceed our very own U.S. Organic Farming Standards. This is how we’ve been able to make John’s Killer Protein®, without taking shortcuts, through hard work and quality standards. We are proud to make what we consider to be quite possibly the purest, cleanest protein available.
While reports about the presence of heavy metals are factually accurate, they are often carefully written to exclude context and other important information leaving you more confused and concerned than educated or informed. We’ve read many reports and have seen social media personalities talk about heavy metals to create fear and anxiety for the purpose of selling detox programs, online seminars and nutrition/diet coaching e-books.
Remain inquisitive. Your protein brand should be transparent. Whether you’re a customer of ours or not, we urge you to ask questions and seek the level of complete information you deserve. Contact your protein brand, ask them for reports on their heavy metals and contaminants testing. Ask them for information that goes beyond the label.
This is the John’s Killer Protein® Difference. If you need any information about our quality reports or 3rd Party Testing, please Contact Us Here or email us at [email protected]
To Your Health,